Pogostemon helferi is an aquatic plant that is among the most popular freshwater aquarium additions. This aquarium plant, native to Thailand, can also be found growing in riverbeds and stream edges in Myanmar and India. While this region of Asia is the only area where Pogostemon helferi is found naturally, they are cultivated for aquarium use all over the globe. This plant’s relatively small size and moderate care requirements—as well as its attractiveness and ability to cover plenty of substrates—make it a good fit for most freshwater aquariums.
Read on to learn more about this popular plant and what the Pogostemon helferi—or Downoi plant—needs to flourish. Are you unsure which plants are the best fit for your home aquarium? Turn to Petco’s guide Selecting the Best Plants for Your Freshwater Aquarium to help you decide.
In the language of their native Thailand, this plant is known as Downoi—or “little star.” This is because Pogostemon helferi grows in star-like formations with long, ruffled leaves and bright green coloring. While these plants are compact and can be kept in smaller aquariums, they can grow shoots that create new clusters of leaves, eventually forming an attractive plant carpet across the floor of your aquatic environment.
While this plant is relatively small compared to some other aquatic flora and primarily functions as a ground cover, Pogostemon helferi may grow to approximately six inches tall. Young plants of this species usually come potted and are only about two to three inches tall. For your Downoi to reach its full potential—not just in height but also in health—you may want to use a planted aquarium substrate which can assist with growing a flourishing root structure.
If you have any trouble getting aquarium plants to thrive, peruse our guide Freshwater Aquarium Plant Care Tips for troubleshooting advice.
The proper substrate, light intensity and water temperature aren’t the only factors affecting your aquarium plants’ ability to thrive—placement within the aquarium can also affect your Pogostemon helferi. Since these are small- to medium-sized plants, they’re recommended to be planted in the foreground or middle of the aquarium to receive as much light exposure as possible. To avoid clogging your aquarium filter, ensure your Downoi is positioned away from filter intakes and overflows. Trim away excessive growth with aquarium plant pruning shears as needed.
Pogostemon helferi is fairly easy to care for, as long as it is planted and tended to properly. You’ll need a substrate that’s about three inches deep. Remove your aquatic plant from the container in which it was purchased and plant it about 1.5 to 2 inches deep. You can also try securing it to structures such as wood or rock features and letting it take root. In time, your Pogostemon helferi aquarium plant should spread laterally, creating a rich and visually appealing carpet across the aquarium floor or other surface.
Aside from their ability to cover an aquarium’s substrate with a carpet of attractive foliage, one of the most desirable qualities of Downoi plants is their relative ease of care once established. They have moderate upkeep requirements—proper maintenance is important but not considered difficult. Some factors you’ll need to consider for the excellent care of these aquarium plants include the following:
Pogostemon helferi is most likely to thrive when strong lighting is provided for eight to ten hours daily. Full-spectrum lighting is usually best to ensure proper plant growth and optimal viewing conditions.
Because these plants grow substantial root systems, adequate substrate is important. Look for a substrate formulated for planted aquariums to ensure your plants have the foundation they need to thrive.
Dose your planted aquarium with freshwater plant food and supplements formulated for optimal Downoi growth. The health of your plants can affect the health of the whole aquarium environment.
Another component that can support the optimal growth of live plants is CO2. You can purchase CO2 aquarium kits, systems and accessories like supplements in tablet or liquid form. Make sure to follow dosing instructions carefully when using any additives or supplements.
The ideal pH range for Pogostemon helferi aquarium plants is 6.0 to 7.5, and the appropriate temperature range is 68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep an eye on these conditions to make sure your plants can thrive—and make sure they’re also compatible with the needs of your other aquatic life. For your plants to grow, make sure that any medications your aquatic life needs are compatible with your plants and won’t cause them any damage.
Though these plants aren’t typically the tallest in a home aquarium, they can become “leggy,” growing longer and more thready than is generally desired. This is usually the result of insufficient light since the strength of the light in your aquarium affects how your live aquarium plants grow. Low light levels can force plants to extend higher in their attempt to reach the light source. Strong lighting can keep plants shorter, as they don’t need to strain upward to catch more light. Pogostemon helferi can typically thrive in low to moderate light, but if you notice your plants looking tall and weedy, try slightly increasing the amount of light intensity.
It’s common for aquarium plants to experience some drooping or decay when they’re transitioned to a new environment. In some cases, rotting or tattered leaves can signify that fish are eating them or that the plants are not receiving adequate nutrients.
Ensure your aquarium environment is in optimal and stable condition, with the correct temperature, pH range, nutrient density and light intensity. Be sure your aquatic life and plants are correctly suited to one another. In many cases, Pogostemon helferi that have experienced some leaf loss can be restored to full health once their environmental needs are met.
Some aquarium dwellers are a better fit for Downoi plants than others. Small, peaceful fish species such as rasboras, tetras, danios, killifish, pencilfish and bettas won’t bother live plants and can greatly enjoy the security of a planted habitat. Large, destructive cichlids and goldfish generally are not the best planted aquarium companions, as they may nibble at or uproot Pogostemon helferi.. Other species to watch out for include larger decorative snails—which may consume plants if their dietary needs aren’t met—as well as crayfish and crabs. Dwarf cichlids like gold and blue rams typically won’t bother Downoi and are considered plant-friendly fish. Perform research before bringing home any species to add to your planted aquarium, as not all aquatic life will leave aquatic plants untouched.
Some aquarium inhabitants aren’t just benign but are actually beneficial to plants. For instance, shrimp help keep plants clean by eating biofilm and trapped fish food that may collect around aquatic plants. They also act as living pruners, consuming dead and dying parts of plants and leaving healthy tissue intact. Otocinclus are small suckermouth catfish that graze on biofilm and algae, helping keep Pogostemon helferi aquarium plants clean.
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