Can Cats Eat Rice

Updated on July 18, 2024
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Yes, cats can eat rice—but there are some important considerations. Be sure to read on if you’re considering questions like “Can cats eat fried rice?” or “Can cats eat Rice Krispies?” And as always, please consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your cat’s diet to ensure it’s an appropriate snack for your pet.

Rice is generally okay to feed your robust cat, but only in small amounts and on spread-out occasions. It’s not toxic to felines and won’t harm your pet if they manage to sneak some off the floor or your plate—but it’s not exactly nutritious, either.

For humans, rice might be an important filler and staple grain of many world cuisines, but the cat digestive system is different and can’t handle all the same foods in the same way as humans do.

Also, there are many different types of rice and ways of preparing it. These are all important to consider when asking yourself, “Can cats eat rice?” 

Are There Health Benefits of Rice for Cats?

Cats are a type of meat-eating pet called obligate carnivores. This means that they meet most of their nutritional needs from eating meat, and their digestive system is especially suited for just this type of diet. Providing your cat with high-quality cat food can be ideal to ensure they get all the nutrients they need and eat a wholesome diet. In this regard, there’s typically no need or reason to feed rice to your pet. 

Yet, there are still some health benefits of rice for your cat. 

The main benefit of rice is that it contains relatively easy-to-digest carbohydrates and a good amount of fiber. If you’re wondering, “Can cats eat rice?” it might be because your main question is, “Can cats eat cooked rice for diarrhea?” While cats don’t typically need carbs, rice can sometimes be helpful if your cat is experiencing digestive problems, such as diarrhea or constipation. It can bind to the stool to help with diarrhea but also has enough fiber to ease constipation.  

Can cats eat brown rice for stomach issues? When feeding rice to your cat for digestive problems, it’s recommended to stick with white rice, start with a small amount and monitor your cat closely. If it appears to help with their bowel movements, you can offer it more regularly until things get back to normal. Consult your veterinarian before trying this, and also discontinue feeding your cat rice right away if their condition worsens or they appear to have a food sensitivity. 

Cats are also notoriously picky animals, and the digestive system of each cat is different. While one cat may enjoy the little grains of rice you offer them, another may not. Rice might calm the stomach of one cat yet make the stomach of another cat act up even worse. That’s why it’s always important to monitor your cat closely when offering them new food. 

Lastly, if your cat has a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease, it’s generally best to stick with a specific, veterinarian-recommended diet that may exclude rice. 

How to Feed Rice to Your Cat

When considering the question “Can cats eat rice?” as it pertains to your pet, remember that human foods like rice should only be given to cats occasionally and in moderation—if at all. Most of your cat’s calories should come from foods specially formulated to provide them with the nutrients they need. Be sure to consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your pet’s diet. 

If you want to provide rice as a treat or gastrointestinal calming agent for your cat, be sure to cook it thoroughly—either in a rice cooker or boiled in water in a pot. Also, ensure that the rice is cooked plain with no added flavors or seasonings of any sort, and those could be unhealthy for your cat. While the answer to “Can cats eat cooked white rice?” is “Yes,” it should never be fried or cooked using oils or fats.

The cooked rice can be offered to your cat in a small spoonful or mixed in with their usual food. 

Start with only a minimal amount of rice and monitor your pet closely to ensure that there aren’t any problems. If your cat shows signs of gastrointestinal distress—such as vomiting or diarrhea—discontinue feeding them rice and monitor them closely to ensure their condition doesn’t worsen. Call your veterinarian if you suspect there is a more severe problem. 

Rice should also be considered a treat and not a primary aspect of your pet’s diet. As such, treats should not exceed 10% of your cat’s daily caloric intake. Ask your veterinarian or consult an online tool to estimate the appropriate caloric intake for your cat and calculate what amount of rice would equal less than 10% of that number. 

FAQs About Rice and Cats

Yes, cats can eat small amounts of cooked white rice. In fact, if you are going to offer your cat rice, it should only be small amounts of cooked white rice. As we’ve explored in this article, white rice can be a solid filler food and an easy-to-digest alternative for a cat with an upset stomach. Be sure the rice is cooked all the way, and no other ingredients are added. The most important thing to avoid is cooking rice with additional seasonings—such as onion, garlic, salt, spices or oil.

As common varieties of white rice, you may wonder, “Can cats eat basmati rice?” or “Can cats eat jasmine rice?” These are two different rice varieties widely available in grocery stores and often two of the most popular types that come to mind when you think of white rice.

Both are usually fine for cats to eat and come in white and brown varieties. As discussed previously in this article, white rice is typically easier for your cat to digest and would be the preferred variety to feed them.

Can cats eat brown rice? Can cats eat wild rice? Cats can eat both without much harm, but they aren’t ideal for your cat. White rice is easier to digest and just as wholesome under the circumstances. Brown rice and wild rice are unrefined—which means they still have the husk and germ attached to the grain. Both the husk and germ are removed in white rice to expose the plain white grain underneath. 

Yes, rice can potentially help with gastrointestinal issues for your cat—including diarrhea—but it’s important to limit the amount of rice you offer them. 

Offering your cat cooked rice for diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues is the primary reason why people allow their cat to have this human food. The science on whether this is helpful or not is inconclusive and can vary from feline to feline. As long as the amounts provided are relatively small, there doesn’t appear to be any harm for most cats, either. 

As always, consult your veterinarian before offering any new foods to your cat. For prolonged or chronic diarrhea, there might be a more significant medical issue at play that would require more direct veterinary care. 

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