Can Dogs Eat Beets?

Updated on July 18, 2024
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Yes, dogs can eat the flesh of beets in moderation. The leaves, however, can contain oxalic acid, a compound that is toxic to dogs. Remove them and discard them in a location that’s inaccessible to pets. Beets are even an ingredient in some dog treats and food. Before feeding your pup this vegetable, there are some considerations to keep in mind. And remember to always consult your vet before adding new food to your pet’s diet, even if it’s just an occasional treat.

Are beets good for dogs? 

Beets are a great source of these vitamins and nutrients:

  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium

n addition, the pigment that gives beets their bright red hue also has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which can help support cells.

As with most human food, beets should be fed only in moderation and only if your dog’s vet approves. Remember, your pup should get their daily requirement of vitamins and minerals from a complete and balanced commercial dog food. If you have questions about your dog’s diet, read our article All About Feeding Your Dog.

Can a dog eat beets? Yes, in small quantities on occasion. Should beets be your pet’s main source of certain nutrients? No. Your dog’s dog food should meet all of their nutritional needs, and too many beets can cause both stomach upsets and a nutritional imbalance.

Your vet may advise against feeding beets if your dog has certain health concerns. Beets are high in oxalates, which can accumulate and form urinary crystals and bladder stones. If your dog has been diagnosed with either condition, beets should not be in the snack rotation. For alternatives, browse our guide Healthy Snacks for Dogs.

Can dogs eat beets? Yes, in moderation as an occasional treat. Note that feeding beets can add a bright red hue to your dog’s stool. If your dog has had a recent beet snack and will soon be visiting the vet, be sure to inform the office to avoid unnecessary alarm.

How to feed beets to your dog

If your vet gives you the OK to offer your dog beets as an occaisonal treat, here are a few ways to incorporate them into their diet:

  • Add a boost of color to homemade pupsicles
  • Offer them as a quick treat when you’re chopping them up for your meals

Can your dog eat canned beets? While canned beets are not toxic to dogs, they can be high in sodium, so it is best to stick with fresh or home-cooked beets (without seasoning or oils). Grating beets instead of offering them in bite-sized chunks may also help your pet digest this treat more easily. Wear gloves to avoid staining your hands.

When it comes to these flavorful taproots, avoid seasoned beets and always remove the leaves. When asking yourself, “Can dogs eat beets?” the answer is yes, as long as they’re plain. Even a small amount of spices can make your dog sick.

FAQs About Dogs and Beets

How many beets can I give my dog?

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Moderation is key. Stick to very small quantities when it comes to snacks or anything eles that isn’t a part of your dog’s regular diet. Remember, your pet’s nutritional needs are being met by their commercially available dog food and adding too much of any one food can throw their diet off balance. All treats you provide throughout the day (including a few small bite-sized beet pieces) must remain under 10% of your pup’s daily calories.

Can my dogs eat beets raw?

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Yes, they can. Some vitamins and minerals may be depleted when you cook vegetables, and raw beets offer a satisfying crunch. If you decide to feed your dog raw beets, make sure you remove all stems and leaves as they may be toxic. Also peel off the skin—it can be a choking hazard and probably doesn’t taste very good. You can finely grate them if you’re mixing a small amount in your dog’s food or cut them into bite-size chunks to help reduce the risk of choking. When prepping beets, don’t forget that the juice goes everywhere and the stains are hard to get out. You may want to feed your dog outside when adding beets to their bowl. Also, let your family members know your plans so they don’t mistake the bright red color that might appear in your dog’s stool as a sign of a health issue.

Can dogs eat beets that are cooked?

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Absolutely. Cooking beets—without spices or seasonings—may help ease digestion and lower the risk of gastrointestinal upset. But always consult your vet before feeding your dog any new food.

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