Dog with Cabbage Thought Bubble

Sharing food with your dog can be a bonding experience, but it’s important to make sure any snacks you offer are healthy and wholesome. Because many human foods are toxic for pets, you should always think twice before giving your canine companion table scraps. This even includes healthy food like fruits and veggies. It’s time to find out—is cabbage good for dogs? 

Is cabbage safe for my dog?

Cabbage is the primary ingredient in many yummy dishes—from stir fry to stew to egg rolls. But can dogs eat cabbage? The good news is that your dog likely won’t get sick from stealing a cabbage leaf from the table. However, cabbage can lead to GI upset or gas even if consumed in small quantities on rare occasions. 

Be careful about feeding cabbage to puppies—young dogs have developing digestive tracts that are more likely to be irritated by cabbage due to its high fiber content. Take a look at our guide All About Feeding Your Dog to learn when it’s right to introduce new veggies to your pet. 

Potential health benefits of cabbage

Cabbage is a rich source of minerals like calcium, potassium and manganese and vitamins like B1, B6, C and K. This veggie is also low in sugar and high in water content. With that said, it is not necessary to include cabbage in your dog's diet. A commercially available, high-quality dog food will meet all their nutritional needs. In fact, the amount of cabbage your dog would need to reap these nutritional benefits would likely cause GI upset and gas. 

Because this leafy green is low in fat, it may help out with weight loss efforts when offered in small amounts on occasion. Before you put your pet on a weight loss plan, it’s important to get a body condition score from your veterinarian so they can determine if your dog is overweight and recommend a target weight. If your vet wants to put your pet on a weight loss plan, a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable like cabbage may be a smart alternative to high-calorie treats. Always be sure to ask your veterinarian before adding any new foods to your pet's diet.  

Can dogs eat cabbage and veggies exclusively? No. Even on a weight loss plan, dogs still need a balanced diet. Because dogs are omnivores, they need animal protein to help fulfill their nutritional requirements. Despite the many nutrients found in cabbage, your vet may want you to restrict offering human food depending on your pet’s age and health. Talk with your vet about which low-calorie treats might be most appropriate and how to best increase your pet’s activity levels in a safe way for their current weight health status.   Most veterinarians recommend limiting your pet’s consumption of all treats to 10% or less of their daily caloric intake.

Potential health risks of cabbage

Can dogs have cabbage every day? Because its high fiber content can lead to diarrhea or gas, offering cabbage daily is generally not recommended. In some cases, eating a lot of cabbage could also negatively affect your pet’s thyroid because of the high thiocyanate content. While it’s very unlikely, eating too many foods with thiocyanate—which also includes broccoli—could contribute to hypothyroidism.  

» MORE: Learn about fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat.

How to prepare cabbage for your dog

Fresh cabbage is better than a frozen or preserved option. Avoid offering cabbage that has been cooked with salt, oil, seasoning or sauces made for human consumption—these additives are not only unhealthy but could also be toxic to your pet. For instance, if you have already doused your cabbage in soy sauce for your stir fry, you should no longer feed it to your dog. Instead, chop off a small piece of fresh, unseasoned cabbage and offer your pet a taste. 

Can dogs eat cabbage raw? Yes. While dogs may be able to eat raw cabbage in small amounts on occasion, it is harder for their bodies to digest compared to ours. If your pet prefers cooked cabbage, steaming or boiling the veggie without adding oils or seasoning of any kind is the best method. Be sure to discuss this treat option with your vet and keep the portion small to help your pet avoid GI upset and painful gas.  

FAQs About Dogs and Cabbage

Will cooked cabbage hurt my dog?

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No. As long as you don’t cook cabbage with salt, oils or seasoning of any kind, an occasional small offering of cooked cabbage is generally not bad for your dog. In fact, cooking cabbage can make it easier for your pet to digest. Raw cabbage is crispier and may be more appealing to chew on, but it can also lead to more flatulence or digestive issues.  

How much cabbage can a dog eat?

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Is cabbage good for dogs at every meal? No. While vegetables may be a lower-calorie treat option, too much can be a bad thing. Cabbage should be considered a treat and offered sparingly.

Can my dog eat cabbage every day?

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Is cabbage good for dogs at every meal? No. While vegetables may be a lower calorie treat option, too much can be a bad thing. Cabbage should be considered a treat and offered sparingly. While vegetables are lower in calories that regular dog treats, feeding the same number of calories worth of vegetables could make dogs uncomfortable and gassy due to the increased amount of fiber.  

Why do dogs love cabbage?

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Dogs may love the taste of cabbage, but many pets are attracted to the crunchy nature of this vegetable. To learn more about which human foods dogs love—and which are okay for them to eat—check out our food guides.  

Reviewed by Petco’s Animal Care, Education and Compliance (ACE) Team 

Petco’s ACE team is a passionate group of experienced pet care experts dedicated to supporting the overall health & wellness of pets. The ACE team works to develop animal care operations and standards across the organization and promote proper animal care and education for Pet Care Center partners and pet parents, while also ensuring regulatory compliance. 


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