Yes. Dogs can eat celery in small amounts. While dogs have a reputation for being enthusiastic meat-eaters, the truth is that they are omnivores, like humans. You’ll likely find that your dog’s food includes veggies and carbs in the ingredients. Dogs can eat a range of fruits and vegetables, and celery can be a good treat option, especially if your canine needs to lose some excess weight or just watch their calories.
Consult your veterinarian before adding any new foods, including celery, into your dog’s diet to make sure they are appropriate for your pup’s unique health status and needs. Treats and toppers should never make up more than 10% of your pet’s food intake to help avoid nutritional imbalances.
Even if most dogs can eat celery, is celery actually good for them? In small amounts, yes. Celery is a low-calorie, nutritious treat filled with important vitamins and minerals. Dice celery into size-appropriate, bite-sized chunks, and use them as treats that are around one calorie each. This can be a great way to reward or train your dog without filling them up with unnecessary calories. While praise is always a great start, celery treats are especially useful if your dog is overweight and you want to cut their overall daily calories without taking away food-based rewards.
Many dogs also appreciate celery’s crunchy texture. Because it is 95% water, it provides a little extra hydration with each bite. While you should always bring a water bowl for long walks or outdoor activities, celery can especially good treat option during walks and other active adventures with your dog.
Another benefit—that’s more for you than your dog—is that celery may even help freshen your dog’s breath. Fresh dog breath means you’ll enjoy cuddle time on the couch with your pup even more than you already do.
Celery may be a good treat alternative for your canine, but how much should you feed your dog? First, remember celery is not a meal replacement. You should always ensure you give your pet complete and balanced dog food unless otherwise instructed by your veterinarian. Instead, use celery as a special reward given sparingly on occasion.
You may be wondering if dogs can eat celery sticks. Celery sticks can present a choking hazard, especially to smaller dogs, so it’s a good idea to cut celery into small, bite-sized pieces that are appropriate for your pup’s size. And if your two-legged family members enjoy celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins (“ants on a log”) remember that raisins are toxic to dogs and should not be shared.
Now, you don’t have to wonder if celery is OK for dogs—it is. In fact, celery can be a good low-calorie treat for your canine on occasion. Always ask your vet and do your research before giving your pet any human food.
» MORE: Learn about fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat.
While you should always consult your veterinarian before giving your dog any new foods, celery is generally considered appropriate for dogs to eat. When feeding celery to your dog for the first time, only give them a small amount and see how they do. If you don’t notice any problems, you can gradually increase the amount of celery you give your dog.
Most pet specialists believe that celery is an acceptable food for dogs and can be a good treat and snack substitute, especially for dogs struggling with weight issues. Always make sure to wash your celery before giving it to your dog. You should also make sure celery sticks are firm and green, which indicates they are fresh. Do not give your pet old, soft celery or celery with brown spots. Make sure to cut celery into easy-to-eat pieces based on your dog’s size.
Most canines will be happy to crunch down on celery treats, but every dog is unique. When starting your pet on any new food, including celery, begin by giving them only one or two pieces. First, you’ll want to make sure they enjoy the treat. Second, keep your eye out for any adverse reactions just in case your dog has a food sensitivity you weren’t aware of. And avoid giving your dog too much as the additional fiber may cause stomach and digestion issues. As long as your dog continues acting normally after eating celery, you can feel confident in adding celery as a good treat option for them.
If your dog suffers from sore teeth or gums, celery may be too hard for them. You can consider dicing celery into smaller pieces or even using an electric dicer to create a celery paste for your older pet.
Make sure to only feed your dog fresh celery that has been thoroughly washed. Always wash any fruits or vegetables before feeding them to your dog. After purchasing your celery, keep it refrigerated to extend its shelf life as long as possible. Celery can last anywhere from two to four weeks if refrigerated. If you notice that your celery is beginning to feel soft and flexible, that means it’s in the process of going bad.
Finally, though you may prefer your celery filled with peanut butter, ranch dressing or other dips, these fillers are not good for your dog and shouldn’t be added to their celery. If you really want to give your dog an extra special treat, you can fill their celery bite with dog-appropriate paste. Sneaking pills into a celery bite filled with dog treat paste is also an excellent way of encouraging your pup to take their medication.
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