Yes, your dog can eat cinnamon in small quantities, but you must proceed with caution. While this spice is a staple in many dishes and baked goods, it’s often paired with ingredients such as raisins, nutmeg, macadamia nuts, chocolate and artificial sweeteners such as xylitol that can be toxic to dogs. Many baked goods are also high in sugar, and that’s unhealthy for dogs, too. Remember, snacks and treats should make up no more than 10 percent of your pet’s total daily calories.
Cinnamon is a common ingredient in many seasonal dishes that you may enjoy sharing with friends and family, and your pup may object to being left out. Plus, if you have people over for meals, monitoring your pet to ensure they don’t eat any human foods can be difficult. If you’re considering questions like “Can dogs eat cinnamon applesauce?” or “Can dogs eat cinnamon rolls?” the answer is only if you’ve prepared them yourself using pet-safe ingredients. If you’re worried about your dog being around store-bought foods containing cinnamon, scrutinize the ingredients beforehand to ensure they are all dog-friendly.
Be sure to consult your veterinarian before introducing your dog to any new food—especially if they’re on medication, have weight issues or other underlying medical problems, or are prone to food sensitivities.
The jury is still out on this one. While some studies hint that cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels and decrease inflammation in humans, similar studies have not yet demonstrated these same health benefits in dogs. Before offering your dog any supplement, medication or new food that might potentially offer health benefits, consult your veterinarian.
Can dogs eat cinnamon sticks? No. Essential oils containing cinnamon should be avoided, too. Chewing on cinnamon sticks or consuming cinnamon essential oils can irritate your dog’s mouth and cause digestive upset.
Can dogs eat ground cinnamon? Dogs should never eat straight ground cinnamon, as they can inhale it and then cough, choke or have problems breathing. While it is safe for dogs to consume small amounts of ground cinnamon in prepared foods as an occasional treat, it‘s best to make the treats yourself or buy ones that are specifically formulated for pets so you know what other ingredients they contain. While cinnamon can add delicious flavor to foods that are appropriate for dogs, it’s unlikely to provide any impactful health benefits for them.
Colder weather tends to make us all crave comfort food such as warm baked goods. However, pet parents should always be aware that treats like these should make up no more than 10 percent of their pup’s total daily caloric intake to prevent overconsumption that can lead to obesity. These foods generally offer no nutritional benefits to your dog and should not be given every day. If you don’t want your dog to feel left out when it comes to snack time, here are some safe ways to allow your pet to indulge. Remember, even with pet-safe foods, you should check with your veterinarian before offering your pet any new treats.
Now that you’ve found the answer to the question, “Can dogs eat cinnamon?” you may be wondering how much is OK for your pup. You should limit your dog’s consumption of cinnamon to no more than a teaspoon a day. If your dog is small, you should use even less. If your dog eats more than a teaspoon, they may experience some intestinal discomfort, so contact your vet if this occurs.
When it comes to adding seasoning to your dog’s food, be extremely cautious, especially with blends, since many contain ingredients like onion or garlic powder that are toxic for dogs. Always read the ingredients on the label thoroughly. Besides cinnamon, some spices dogs can enjoy in limited quantities include:
Keep in mind that all of these spices should be used sparingly and never as a treatment or supplement without first consulting your vet.
A surprising number of pet parents wonder, “Can dogs eat cinnamon cereal?” The answer is yes, although it has no nutritional value for dogs and contains a lot of sugar, so it is especially inappropriate for diabetic dogs. Be aware, too, that some cinnamon cereals may contain ingredients, like raisins or chocolate, that are toxic to dogs. However, sneaking a healthy dog a square or two of Cinnamon Toast Crunch once in a while typically won’t hurt.
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