Can dogs eat lemons? These tangy, sunny fruits lend bright flavor to an array of our own refreshing treats and drinks, so it’s only natural that many pet parents wonder whether they can share lemons or lemonade with their dogs.
There are no real health benefits to be gained by feeding your dog a lemon. In fact, consuming too much lemon—or even just a little bit—could harm your pup. Read on to discover why lemons aren’t a wise choice for sharing.
Although they may not be as dangerous for dogs as onions or grapes, lemons are not appropriate treats. The rind is a choking hazard, and consuming a too-large piece can cause a life-threatening bowel obstruction. The bitter taste of lemons isn’t merely unpleasant to dogs—the citric acid and essential oils found in lemons can cause discomfort. Lemons also contain compounds called psoralens, which are not only toxic to dogs in large quantities but can also irritate the skin or gums and GI tract. Psoralens can be found throughout the fruit, but the highest concentrations are in the skin, seeds and pith. For all these reasons, the answer to the question, “Can my dog eat lemons?” is a decisive no.
Luckily, your dog may be averse to lemons’ sour, bitter flavor and might naturally choose to stay away from them. However, as many pet parents know, some dogs are only too happy to gobble up anything that seems edible, even (or especially) when it ends up in front of them by accident.
If your dog only has a little lick of lemon when you’re distracted, there is typically no reason to be alarmed. However, the more lemon that’s ingested, the higher the risk of a negative reaction in your dog. Symptoms of illness to watch out for include:
If your dog displays any of these symptoms after eating lemons, contact your veterinarian immediately or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. Note: You may be charged a consultation fee.
Since lemon seeds, rinds and piths present the most potential for problems, is a drink of lemonade OK? Can dogs have lemon juice? Again, there are significant negatives and no health benefits to be gained by offering these to your dog, so the answer to each of these questions is also a resounding no. Lemonade usually contains a lot of sugar, which can be very unhealthy for canines.
If you have a curious pup who loves to chow down on anything that vaguely resembles food, keep lemons securely out of reach on a high shelf or in your refrigerator.
Are lemons good for dogs?
While lemons and other citrus fruits contain healthy nutrients such as vitamin C, lemons come with too many risks to be regarded as a sensible snack option for dogs. Plus, the fruit can’t be safely offered in large enough quantities for your pet to reap any benefits. The compounds that make lemons taste sour and bitter are too harsh for your dog’s skin, mouth, digestive system and overall wellbeing. Too much lemon can even cause serious health issues. When asking the questions, “Can dogs eat lemons?” or ”Should dogs eat lemons?” the answer is always no.
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