Can My Dog Eat Mango? 

Updated on July 18, 2024
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Education and Compliance (ACE) Team

Yes, your pup can enjoy the sweet taste and nutritional benefits of this exotic fruit—most parts of it anyway. Like nearly every other fruit, however, its natural sugars mean dogs can eat mangoes only in moderation. Read on to learn more about serving this fruit to your pup.  

Before feeding your dog any new food, remember to consult your veterinarian to help ensure it doesn’t exacerbate a known health condition. Contact your veterinarian or pet poison control immediately if an adverse reaction occurs after your dog eats mango.  

Can dogs eat dried mango? No. Drying the fruit can concentrate the sugar content, present a choking hazard and limit its nutritional value.  

Health benefits of mango for dogs 

Are mangoes good for dogs? Absolutely. Here are some of the nutritional perks your dog won’t know they’re getting as they eagerly chomp on this delicious fruit.

  • Fiber A single mango can contain up to 5 grams of dietary fiber, which may help ease digestive issues. Mangoes also contain amylase, which can help break down complex starches
  • Vitamins Mangoes are an excellent source of several vitamins, including B6, C and K. 
  • Antioxidants Mangiferin, beta-carotene and benzoic acid are just a few of the many antioxidants your pet receives from consuming mangoes. Antioxidants help protect cells from free radicals and have been shown to help prevent cancers, diabetes and other chronic diseases that can appear later in life  
  • Hydration Like many other fruits—including watermelon, pineapple and blueberries—mangoes can offer a tasty boost of hydration for your dog. A single mango is roughly 83% water, making it not only a good option for canines on hot days but also an ideal treat to freeze before serving 

How to feed mangoes to your dog 

Can dogs have mango? Yes, but there are a few precautions you’ll need to take first.  

  • Remove the skin and pit Like other stone fruits—including cherries and peaches—the mango pit poses a serious choking hazard and can cause a gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction. The pit also contains a small amount of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. Never allow your pup to consume the pit, and be sure to securely dispose of it once you’ve finished preparing your dog’s mango treat. While the skin of this fruit doesn’t contain toxins, dogs and mango skin are typically a recipe for choking, an upset stomach, GI obstruction or diarrhea, as the skin can be hard for canines to fully digest. Only feed the fleshy part of mango to your pup  
  • Feed small pieces Pretty much any food you feed to your dog is best served in small, bite-sized chunks to help ease digestion and reduce the risk of choking. Mango is no exception  
  • Provide as an occasional snack When dogs eat mango, it’s typically best that they do so in moderation. While the natural sugars in fruit may not bother many humans, the canine digestive system isn't as well equipped to process sugar. If your dog consumes too much mango—or eats it too often—it can lead to stomach upsets and other digestive issues. Remember that treats—and that includes mango—should make up no more than 10 percent of your pup’s daily diet  
  • Make a frozen treat Fruits with a high water content can be extra-cool treats when frozen. Try placing a few slices in the freezer or blending up some frozen mango to give your dog the same great taste with a new texture 


» MORE: Learn about fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat.

FAQs about feeding your dog mango 

While there’s no cause for alarm if your pup happens to eat a small piece of the skin, mango should be served without it. The skin can be difficult for dogs to digest and can lead to digestive issues.

Mangoes should be considered an occasional indulgence. Overdo it and mangoes’ high fiber and sugar content can lead to digestive discomfort. Remember that all treats combined should make up no more than 10 percent of your pet’s daily caloric intake.

Now that you have the answer to “Is mango safe for dogs?” you may be wondering about other fruits. While every dog has their unique health needs, they might enjoy trying some of the following:

  • Avocado
  • Cherries 
  • Grapes or raisins
  • Tomatoes
  • Rhubarb 
  • Persimmons 
  • Recommended Aarticles  

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