Oatmeal might be your favorite breakfast, but what if your pup gets their nose in the bowl? You may be wondering if oats could have the same health benefits for your pet. Can dogs eat oatmeal? The short answer is yes, but the nutrition they provide canines might not be as much as you think. You also don’t want to dose your dog’s oats with preservatives, brown sugar, butter or milk, which can cause more health issues than benefits.
Read on to learn more about the potential health benefits of oatmeal for dogs and the proper way to prepare it.
Is human oatmeal good for dogs? Oatmeal can have nutritional benefits to both humans and dogs. For instance, oatmeal may be high in essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, vitamin E and zinc. Many oats are also high in antioxidants, which may help with inflammation issues. Oats also contain bountiful amino acids and healthy fats.
Most notably, oatmeal is a wholesome source of carbohydrates and fiber. Oats may be recommended as an alternative for a pet who is intolerant to grains. Soluble fiber helps pets have regular bowel movements, and it may also help moderate glucose levels. Carbohydrates are essential for high-energy dogs who burn many calories throughout the day.
That being said, the mixture of oats and water isn’t much healthier for your pup than commercial dog foods that contain oats as an ingredient. While your vet may recommend a higher serving of oats from oatmeal if your pet has gastrointestinal issues, most dog food brands have more balanced nutrition to accompany oats than oatmeal as a standalone meal.
Aside from cooking oatmeal before serving it to pets, there are a few other best practices to keep in mind. If you want to add oats to your dog’s diet:
Can dogs eat oatmeal with cinnamon or other spices? Maybe, but it’s usually not good for them. Spices like cinnamon are non-toxic to dogs, but they can lead to vomiting or skin irritation. Related seasonings may be toxic, and this includes nutmeg. Similarly, you never want to mix sugar, butter, milk, grapes, raisins, salt or chocolate into your pet’s oatmeal. Any nutritional benefits your dog is getting from oats can be undermined by including unhealthy additives. Instant oatmeal from a bag is usually not a good option, either.
You may think that sneaking oats into a treat is a good way to introduce this new ingredient to their diet. But can dogs eat oatmeal cookies? Sorry, no. Using oats in baked goods also means feeding your pet sugar and dairy products that are not so healthy for them.
Remember, oats and oatmeal should not be the primary food in your dog’s diet, and they still need animal protein and other sources of vitamins and minerals. While you may add oatmeal to the snack schedule or blend it into soft food—don’t replace regular dog food with oats altogether.
Many people make their oatmeal with milk. However, dairy can be difficult for dogs to digest and lead to diarrhea or other intestinal issues. Instead, use water in your dog’s oatmeal.
Is it safe for my dog to eat dry oatmeal?
You want your dog to reap the benefits of an oatmeal snack, but you’re in a hurry. You may ask yourself, “Can dogs eat raw oatmeal right out of the package?” While this practice won’t necessarily hurt your dog, it’s not a good idea. Uncooked oatmeal is harder for your pet to digest, so you don’t want to sprinkle raw oats over soft food to expedite their feeding. Instead, oatmeal should always be cooked before serving. The good news is cooking may be as simple as adding hot water to oats and putting it in the microwave for 30 seconds. After it’s cool, it’s ready to serve to your pet. However, instant human oatmeal from a packet isn’t recommended for pups, as it usually contains additives or preservatives. If you’re considering providing your dog raw oats, the regular plain variety from a canister is typically the way to go.
How often should my dog eat oatmeal?
Many dog food brands include oats as a part of their recipe. In this case, your dog may consume oats every day. However, if you’re feeding them regular oatmeal, once or twice a week should suffice. Any more oatmeal than that may compromise your pet’s well-balanced diet. For all the vitamins, minerals and fiber that your pet can get from oatmeal, this yummy treat won’t supply enough protein for your pet. Young dogs are especially reliant on high-protein diets to help them grow and maintain their energy levels.
Can I give my dog oatmeal for an upset stomach?
Raw oatmeal and too much oatmeal can make your pet sick in the first place. Conversely, however, it can act as a binding agent if your pet has diarrhea from an existing health issue. If your dog has an upset stomach, ask your veterinarian if a small amount of oatmeal could help get their gastrointestinal tract back to normal.
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