Yes, dogs can eat plain peas in moderation. They are high in protein and low in calories, making them a wholesome snack for humans and dogs alike. As always, please consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your dog’s diet to ensure it’s appropriate for your pet.
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Can dogs have peas?” the answer is generallyl yes. In fact, peas are a common ingredient in many different commercial dog foods because they are nutritious andgenerally harmless for most dogs to eat. However, like humans, some canines can be turned off by the taste and texture of these legumes.
There are many different types of peas that people commonly have in their refrigerators or freezers. Whether they’re fresh, frozen or thawed, the answer to “Can dogs eat green peas?” is yes—although there area couple of important caveats we’ll discuss below.
Health benefits of peas
Peas are nontoxic for dogs to eat, but are peas good for dogs? Peas are packed with nutrients and an excellent source of vitamins A, K and B6. They’re also high in fiber and loaded with minerals like iron, phosphorus and manganese.
Peas are rich in protein and also contain lutein—an antioxidant that can benefit a number of vital systems and help prevent serious diseases.
However, there is one thing to be cautious of when feeding peas to your pup.
Feeding peas can be harmful to dogs with kidney issues and should not be offered due to the presence of. purine—a naturally occurring compound that isgenerally not harmful. Purine is typically broken down into uric acid once in the digestive system, and an excess of this acid can contribute to bladder stone formation. While uric acid doesn’t commonly cause bladder stones—which are more widely seen in canines than kidney stones—peas for dogs could exacerbate any existing bladder conditions if these legumes are provided too often or in large quantities.
» MORE: Learn about fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat.
You can feed peas to your dog in many different ways. They can be fresh, frozen or thawed, and you can sprinkle peas on top of their regular food or offer them on their own as a treat.
Although the answer to “Can dogs eat peas?” is yes, there are some precautions to take. Don’t feed your dog canned peas, dried peas or peas cooked with other ingredients or seasonings. Canned peas often contain unhealthyamounts of sodium. Dried or cooked peas coated in onions, garlic and herbs aren’t appropriate for your dog either—onions and garlic are toxic to dogs.
While peas for dogs are low in calories and may be a nutrient-dense treat option, your dog does not need peas to maintain a well-balanced, healthy diet. Provide the most wholesome diet for your pet by sticking to commercially available, high-quality dog food as recommended by your veterinarian. If your dog seems to have a fixation on peas, you can find nutritious dog foods that include them as an ingredient.
While plain peas and carrots on their own are typically fine for dogs to eat, the popular dish of peas and carrots is usually made with additives that might not be healthy for your dog. Ingredients to look out for are oil, butter and salt, which can be unhealthy for your dog and should be avoided.
Other likely ingredients are onion and garlic, which are both toxic for your pup and should never be fed to them. Carrots and peas straight from a can may contain extra sodium, which can lead to salt toxicity.
Whether you call them snap peas or sugar snap peas, they refer to the same food and are generally acceptable for your dog to eat.
One thing to consider when asking the question “Can dogs have snap peas?” is whether to allow your dog also to eat the shell or husk. While this part of a snap pea is not toxic to them, the fibrous husk could pose a choking hazard or lead to gastrointestinal distress. It’s always recommended to remove and discard the husk before providing the peas inside to your pet.
A good way to gauge how large a serving of peas for dogs is appropriate would be to follow the 10% rule. The rule dictates that no more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake should come from treats, and peas should only be a small section of that 10% caloric intake of treats.
Too many peas can cause an upset stomach for your dog—especially if the legumes are prepared with other ingredients such as oil, butter, onions or garlic. If offering peas for the first time, always start with a small amount to see how your dog tolerates the treat.
Generally speaking, peas are a low-calorie treat for dogs to eat. The main thing to consider when asking, “Are peas bad for dogs?” is whether or not your pupsuffers from bladder stones. If you have a dog that has a history of bladder stones, even the small number of purines in peas can worsen these conditions and should be avoided. If you have a dog prone to bladder stones that has accidentally eaten peas, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Yes, dogs can eat raw peas. This is probably the ideal way to feed them to your pet since it ensures that you minimize any other additives—such as salt or oil—that could potentially be unhealthy for your dog.
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