It’s one of every dog parent’s worst fear — you’re enjoying a great evening when, bam — your dog is sprayed by a skunk. While stinky and unpleasant to deal with, keep in mind that your dog is not in any danger after they’ve been sprayed, but they could be feeling a little unsettled. It can be stressful if your dog got sprayed by a skunk and you aren’t prepared so consider being ready at a moment’s notice to handle the situation with these easy steps.
When a skunk sprays your dog, take a deep breath (away from your stinky dog, of course) and get ready to fix the issue. You’ll want to follow these steps immediately to make everything more comfortable for you and your pet.
That unpleasant skunk smell on your dog can last for three weeks or more if left untreated, so it’s important to try and clean it before the spray dries. Skunk spray is perfectly formulated to stick to hair—both human and canine—which is what makes the skunk smell stick around so long. Having special deskunking shampoos and supplies on hand can be crucial to treating the skunk smell on your dog quickly and avoid prolonging how much time you and your pet have to tolerate the odor.
You’ll want to make sure that your dog stays outside in a safe area after being sprayed by a skunk until you’ve treated them with the appropriate products. If, however, some of that skunk smell does make it into your house, there are some things you can do to help. Boiling vinegar in a pan is one DIY way that has been found safe and effective against removing skunk smell inside. Even just setting open containers of vinegar in the rooms that smell (out of the way of pets and kids that can tip them over or drink from them, of course) can also help, because the vinegar will absorb the odors over a couple of days.
Liquid bleach can help remove the smell from hard, outside surfaces like your deck and porch, but be sure to dilute the bleach in water first (one cup of bleach in a gallon of water works well), and try a small test area since it can cause discoloration. If the smell doesn’t disappear completely right away, have a little patience — it may take several attempts with either of these methods before it’s gone completely.
Some pet skunk shampoos also work as a deskunking product for home items and can be used on carpets, clothing, bedding, kennels and other hard surfaces. When you’re purchasing a product, read the label to see what other uses it may work for.
One of the easiest ways to handle a skunk attack is to avoid having it happen in the first place. While it’s not possible to avoid them completely, there are some things you can do to make your yard less appealing for skunks. For example:
Being sprayed by a skunk can happen to anyone and any pet but being prepared with the proper solutions and plan of attack can help you alleviate the problem quickly. It’s also important to make sure you keep your dog leashed when out and about, and keep your yard properly fenced and gated to avoid having your dog get out or a skunk get in.
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