How Often to Bathe and Groom a Dog

Updated on January 24, 2023
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How often should I groom my dog

Giving your dog a bath and going to the groomers aren’t just for special occasions. Instead, they should be routine parts of your pet’s care for both their skin and coat health and to help keep them comfortable. 

That being said, do you know how often you should bathe your short-haired dog or how you’ll know when your long-haired pup is ready for their first groom? Do you just wait until they are visibly dirty or shaggy? The answers depend on a few factors, including your dog's breed, lifestyle and coat health. Check out the guidelines below to determine the ideal schedule for your pup. 

How often should I bathe my dog?

In general, you should wash your dog once every 2 to 3 months. Double-coated breeds need to be bathed once every month or two months, depending on whether they are shedding, short-haired breeds only need a wash every 3 months with weekly brushings, and long-coated dog breeds need a wash every 2 to 3 months, and be sure to brush out any tangles before bathing.

Bathing your dog isn’t just about cleaning them up after a day of splashing through puddles at the dog park (though that’s a valid reason for an extra bath). Regular bathing is important because it removes dirt and debris from your dog's skin while helping to prevent potential skin conditions from developing, including clogged pores, itchiness and dry skin or oily skin. "When pets are dirty, their skin doesn't 'breathe' correctly," says Wendy Weinand, manager of Services Training & Education at Petco, "and they can end up with some issues that may require veterinary care to fix." 

Bathing frequency depends a lot on your dog's coat type. Use the following guidelines as a starting point: 

Double-coated breeds ˇ

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Double-coated breeds like Chow Chows, Siberian Huskies, and Newfoundlands need bathing once a month during shedding seasons—spring and fall—and once every two months in non-shedding seasons—summer and winter. Double-coated breeds have two distinct coats, an outer coat and an undercoat. The undercoat is typically shorter, thicker and lighter in color than the outer coat. Although it will “shed out” throughout the year, it has two major releases, in spring and fall. The outercoat is longer, thinner and typically darker and it does not shed out. It will grow to a set length and stay at that length year to year, so long as it remains healthy. If you have a double-coated breed, plan to bathe them every eight weeks in non-shedding seasons. Before you turn on the water, be sure to brush and comb the coat out first to help remove any loose undercoat hairs. This will cut down on bathing time and help prevent possible skin issues if their skin and coat do not dry quickly. During shedding seasons, plan for monthly baths and daily brushing. If you can’t maintain a daily brushing schedule, aim for at least three times a week to help keep the shedding undercoat under control. 

Short-coated breeds ˇ

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Short-coated breeds like Boston Terriers, Beagles, and Chihuahuas need to be bathed about every three months, with regular (once a week) brushing to help keep their skin and coat healthy. Brushing distributes your dog’s natural oils over their coat to help keep it hydrated and shiny (similar to the benefits we can see from using a natural hand lotion).

Long-coated breeds ˇ

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If you have a long-coated dog, like a Maltese or Flat-Coated Retriever, give them a bath every eight to 12 weeks. Note: It’s imperative that all tangles and mats are removed from the coat first. If you bathe first and then try and brush them out, the session will take longer, be harder on your pet’s skin and coat, and could cause irritation.

Puppies ˇ

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It’s best to bathe your puppy about once a month. It’s important not to wash them more than necessary as bathing too often risks stripping their sensitive puppy coat and skin of their natural oils. However, the exact amount you need to wash your puppy will vary based on their breed, stage in puppyhood, lifestyle and other factors. Be sure to consult your veterinarian about the best routine for your puppy.

While bathing needs differ from dog to dog, Weinand says that when in doubt, wash your dog every four weeks and also take time for de-shedding (if double-coated), clipping their nails, cleaning their teeth and checking their anal glands (expressing if needed).

"This will help to keep their skin and coat clean and keep their natural oils spread out to help condition," she explains. "Plus, they will smell great."

How to bathe your dog

How to wash your dog

Preparing for bath time

Now that you've gathered your supplies, it's time to prepare for your dog's bath. By performing these steps and having the right bathing supplies ready to go, you'll be setting yourself and your pup up for a more successful bath time.

Brush Your Dog First

  1. Before any washing takes place, brush your dog and check for mats. Long-haired or double-coated dogs need to have mats or excess loose hair brushed out before bathing. If not, the mats become tighter—which can cause pain—and more difficult to remove and may have to be clipped out by a professional.
  2. Set Up a Safe Bathing Area

  3. Cover the bottom of the bathing area with a non-slip surface such as a bath mat. Make certain the sink, tub or shower is clean and free of soap or other residues.
  4. Make sure the shampoo you have selected is right for your dog's coat. If you're using a spot-on flea product, avoid flea shampoos and read the label to ensure the flea protection won't wash out with shampoo. You may need to apply after the bath once the coat is dry—generally 24 hours later. 
  5. Secure Your Dog

  6. Keep a leash on your pet so they can't escape when bath time is underway. This could turn into a mess or even a danger with a slippery, wet dog on the loose.
  7. Protect Your Dog’s Ears

  8. Using an ear cleaner, gently wipe around the perimeter of the ear. Do not go down into the ear canal as you risk injuring your dog. Let your dog shake their head a few times and put cotton balls in both ears to help prevent water from getting down into their ear canals. Don’t forget to remove the cotton balls once bath time is over.
  9. Wet Your Dog’s Coat Properly

  10. To bathe your dog, start at the back of the dog and work forward, as this will help them get used to the water before you get to their head. Soak your dog's coat with tepid, not hot, water. You will need good water pressure to reach their skin and thoroughly wet the coat of long-haired dogs. Offer treats and praise throughout the process as positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  11. Apply and Lather Shampoo

  12. Once thoroughly soaked, start at the tail area with shampoo and follow the manufacturer's dilution recommendations—too much shampoo can be harmful if used at full strength. Work up a good lather, being careful to avoid ears and eyes as you move toward the front of your dog's body. Make sure to follow label directions. Some products—like flea or skin-conditioning shampoos or conditioners—may need to be left on for several minutes. If you do not follow the recommended time requirements, you run the risk of the product not working effectively.   
  13. Rinse Thoroughly

  14. Starting at the head this time, thoroughly rinse until no more shampoo washes out and the water runs clear. If you leave shampoo in the coat, it can cause dullness and skin irritation. Make sure to cover your dog’s eyes when rinsing so you do not get any soap in them, and do not spray water directly into their ears.
  15. When all shampoo is out of the coat, condition your dog if necessary and rinse thoroughly again. Once finished, remove the cotton balls from your dog's ears.
  16. Drying Your Dog

  17. Use a towel to dry your dog's skin & coat, then use the recommended brush to brush out the coat. For long-haired breeds, this will separate the coat and help it dry quicker; for all dogs, it will help to pull the moisture out of the skin and redistribute your pet's natural oils. Long-haired dogs may need blowing out with a hair dryer on the cool setting.
  18. Blow Dry with Caution

  19. Be sure the dryer is not hot or too close to your dog's skin or ears. Introduce the hair dryer to your dog slowly if they are not familiar with it, starting at the back end of your dog. Don't leave your dog in a crate with the dryer blowing on them, as it will quickly get too hot. Leave this method to the professionals who have specially made dryers. 
  20. On a nice day, air-drying outside is fine as long as your pet has shade—otherwise, try indoor air-drying on a towel in your dog's crate. Keep in mind that if you air-dry outdoors, your dog may head straight for the grass and roll around in it.

Always dry out your dog's ears after a bath with an ear pad. Never put anything smaller than a finger down your dog's ears. Cotton swabs can push dirt and debris deeper into the ear canal and could even puncture an eardrum.

did you know?
A special note about your dog's ears: Always dry out your dog's ears after a bath with an ear pad. Never put anything smaller than a finger down your dog's ears. Cotton swabs can push dirt and debris deeper into the ear canal and could even puncture an eardrum.

The seasons may also affect the frequency of your dog's baths. In winter, for example, pet parents may want to schedule baths every eight to 12 weeks since too much bathing in dryer months may result in dryer skin and coat. You will still want to brush your pet at least once a week to minimize tangles and help distribute natural oils, which can help with itching. In the spring, when pets are shedding, more frequent baths may be necessary to help remove the dead coat.

Just be careful not to bathe your dog too often, as this can cause skin irritation. As Weinand clarifies, "Unless there is a medical reason for more frequent baths, overbathing your pet—say weekly or even every two weeks—can dry out the skin and coat."

How often should I groom my dog?

In addition to bathing, scheduling dog grooming is an important part of caring for your dog. This can include de-shedding, hair trimming, nail clipping, teeth-cleaning and anal gland expression, depending on your dog's specific needs. Like bathing, the frequency of grooming appointments or at-home sessions will depend on your dog's breed, coat length and desired trim. In general, most dogs should see the groomer every six to eight weeks.

If your dog has a long coat, schedule grooming services every six weeks. This is ideal for breed pattern haircuts—trim styles specific to a dog’s breed—such as the lamb trim or puppy cut for a Poodle or the Cocker Spaniel trim for the—you guessed it—Cocker Spaniel. If your dog has a short trim, you can likely go eight to 10 weeks between grooming appointments.

In addition to professional grooming services, follow the tips below to help maintain your dog's coat at home.

For short coats ˇ

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In between visits to the groomer, you'll need to brush your short-coated dog once a week to help remove loose hair and dander and help spread your dog's natural oils over their skin and coat. To groom your short-coated pup, we recommend using a Zoom Groom brush and FURminator to remove loose fur.

For long coats ˇ

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If your dog has a long coat, they’ll need to be brushed at least three to four times a week, if not daily. This will help keep their coat from getting tangled and matted. Use a slicker brush to remove excess fur, a metal comb to check for tangles after brushing and a pin brush for daily brushing. Keep in mind that a pin brush is not ideal for removing mats but will work well if your dog's fur is mat-free. To help prevent matting, brush your long-coated dog in layers. Start at one of your dog’s back legs by the foot. Hold a section of the hair up with your free hand, then brush the coat down and out. Continue until you’ve brushed the entire coat. The goal as you're brushing is to see your dog's skin and to brush from their skin out. If you only brush the top of your dog's coat, it will eventually get matted. In time—as soon as six to eight weeks from their last professional groom in some cases—mats can grow so dense that they need to be shaved off. If your groomer needs to shave your dog’s coat, it will be very short as the blades will have to go under the mats since they cannot go through them.

Always watch for matting, and pay attention to overall skin and coat health when brushing your dog. If something doesn't look right, consult a veterinarian or dog groomer for professional treatment.

Other cleaning and grooming tips

Helping your dog stay clean and free of bacterial growth doesn’t start and end with coat care. Use the following additional at-home grooming tips between appointments to help keep your pup looking and feeling good.

How often should I clean my dog’s ears & eyes?

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Once a week, use a wipe or cleaner specifically designed for dogs’ ears. Ear wipes remove dirt and help prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria. They also help prevent tear stains, infections and irritations caused by mucus around the eyes.

How often should I brush my dog's teeth?

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Brush your dog's teeth once a day (or at least three to four times a week). In between brushings, provide your pup with dental treats formulated to help prevent plaque and tartar buildup.

How often should I express my dog’s anal glands?

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In many cases, anal glands express themselves naturally. If this is true for your dog, you can take anal gland expression off your list of dog care responsibilities, but do pay attention to your dog’s demeanor. If they show signs of irritation such as scooting across the floor or biting at their back end, talk to your groomer about expressing your dog’s anal glands during their routine appointment, or stop in for a walk-in service. If you have questions or concerns about your dog's need for anal gland expression, consult your veterinarian. They can help you determine a good cadence for anal gland expression and may make recommendations, such as a change in diet, that might make your dog more comfortable.

How often should I trim my dog's nails?

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For many pet parents, nail trimming feels like a daunting task, but it shouldn't be overlooked. "If nails get too long, it can cause issues with walking," says Weinand. "Or they will crack to the paw, exposing the 'vein,' which can be very painful." Additionally, "Not trimming your dog's nails regularly can also lead to infections that may require veterinary intervention." Most dogs need their nails trimmed every two to four weeks. However, if your dog regularly walks outside on sidewalks or pavement, they may require less frequent nail trims because walking on hard surfaces can help wear down the nails. While you can take care of this task at home with the right supplies, some dogs are particularly sensitive when it comes to nail trims. If this is true for your dog, stop by your groomer between full-service appointments for a nail trim.

In conclusion

Providing your dog with regular baths, brushing their teeth, and keeping them well-groomed not only helps your dog look their best but also contributes to them feeling their best. And as you develop a routine for bathing and grooming, you’ll be investing in quality bonding time with your pup. Remember, if you need more guidance on your pet's specific bathing and grooming needs, you can always call your local Petco grooming salon for recommendations or speak with your vet.


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