Fleas are much more than just a nuisance. In just 30 days, 10 fleas can become an infestation of up to 250,000 on your pet and in your home, and they can leave your pet an itchy, tired mess — or worse. There are several steps tell if your cat has fleas and how to prevent fleas on your cat and in your home. Here’s everything you need to know to get the job done quickly and safely.
There are several common signs that a cat might be suffering from a flea infestation, but it will take some investigating on your part to be sure. Fleas are very small — only about 1/12 – 1/16” long — which means when there’s only a handful of them, they aren’t that easy to spot. Plus, their reddish-brown color may blend in with your cat’s fur. Rather than focusing on spotting fleas visually, be on the lookout for these other common signs that your cat has fleas:
A trip to your veterinarian may be necessary if your cat starts showing signs of a flea borne illness, parasite or if the infestation is severe enough that your cat is developing skin problems from scratching—otherwise they should be fine. Take a look at the symptoms of the health issues listed below to decide whether visiting your veterinarian is necessary.
Fleas cause more than just a low-level itchiness in your cat — they can lead to serious medical problems and, as such, should be taken very seriously. Consult your veterinarian immediately if you think your cat may be suffering from any flea-related issues. Keeping your cat on a flea prevention medication is essential to keeping these medical issues at bay. Some common flea-related issues in cats include:
Although there may be treatment methods for these flea-related health issues, you can help your cat avoid them-with an over the counter flea medication or one prescribed by your veterinarian.
You can get rid of a flea infestation in cats by treating every part of your home that may have been affected—starting with your itchy cat. Even treating parts of your home where your cat doesn’t visit will ensure that no pests survive to start the infestation all over again.
Begin your flea-riddance process by treating your pet and all their things, including pets that don’t appear to be suffering from fleas.
It’s essential to not only treat an infected pet, but to also treat your home. If you ignore your home, fleas will find their way onto your pet and the cycle will repeat itself.
One of the best defenses against fleas is to keep your cat indoors. However, if you do let your cat out, or if you have other animals that may bring in fleas from outside, you’ll want to be especially sure that you’ve treated your yard for fleas, as well. That includes keeping the lawn trimmed at all times and using a yard spray that kills fleas around the perimeter of your home.
Our cats tend to be quiet sufferers, so it’s especially important to pay attention when they are acting differently, and to be aware of the signs that a flea infestation might be occurring. Your veterinarian can diagnose and treat the issue, and be sure to shop the flea prevention offerings at Petco as a way to easily and quickly put those little critters to rest.
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