Wondering what to do with all that leftover turkey from your Thanksgiving feast? Casseroles and turkey sandwiches may soon become a tedious meal for the people in your family, so consider using some of your leftover turkey to make some homemade treats for your dog or cat.
Don’t throw all of the giblets away before cooking your turkey – this recipe will use up the turkey liver so you waste as little as possible. That, plus some pieces of leftover white meat turkey will help you make 15-24 homemade dog biscuits (depending on the size) that you can store for the next few months.
Have a cat that deserves some festive treats? This recipe makes a container-full of small treats that you can use through the fall season.
Hopefully these homemade dog and cat treats help you show your pet that you are thankful for them this, and every, season. However, remember that special treats like these shouldn’t make up more than 10% of your cat’s overall diet.
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