My cat died nearly a month ago, and I'm still constantly finding fleas in my bedroom, I pulled the whole room out and cleaned and washed everything

Updated On January 14th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | British Shorthair | 3 years old

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Answered By Katie S

Certified Dog Trainer

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Fleas have a cycle of about two weeks. Adult fleas living in your house (usually in the carpets) would lay eggs and take 10-14 days to hatch however they can lay dormant and wake up when they think there is food to feed on. This is probably another cycle hatching. They can be difficult to get rid of as you need to kill adults, wait until the next cycle starts and kill the newly hatched ones before they have time to lay eggs and breed again. This will also depend of the type of product used to treat your house. Depending where you live grocery stores and pet stores sell flea spray/powders but some will only kill actual fleas, some will also kill the eggs. You need to vacuum very well everyday )be sure to get rid of vacuum bag after), wash all bedding and treat carpets, wash floors etc. It'll take some work but you can get rid of them.

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