My dogs are experiencing a bad flea outbreak. We used a generic for Frontline (fipronil) two weeks ago, with no results. I have purchased a generic for Advantix II (Imidacloprid, Permethrin, and Pyriproxyfen) and am wondering if I need to wait the full 4 weeks to use this, or if I can treat with the second medication now.
Updated On May 14th, 2024
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 12 lbs
Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA 76
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In severe outbreaks, 2 weeks between different drugs is ok. You will also need to use a household flea treatment in order to break the cycle, only 5% of the flea population are adults and actually present on pets, tge remaining 95% are eggs/large and will continue to hatch, develop and reinvest your pets. All in contact animals should be treated together and also given a tapeworm treatment because tapeworms are also transmitted by fleas
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