I see blood drops on floor around cat's water bowl. I've been told two different opinions (1) it is flea poop and the other (2) it could be UTI

Updated On March 21st, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | 3 years and 7 months old

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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Blood drops from flea poop would be very very tiny. Blood drops from a UTI would be b igger, but you would likely see them in the cat litter as well and your kitty would like make a fuss in the box, going frequently but only producing little urine every time. Your kitty could also have a bleeding mouth ulcer, bad gingivitis or teeth, lost a canine tooth and it is now bleeding, or could be bleeding from the nose. I suggest you have a look in her mouth, (gently). If she lost a tooth,, you likely will not have to do anything unless it broke off. If you see sores, or your kitty has a bad smell from her mouth, you need to take her to the vet for an exam. If she appears to have a UTI, then she needs to be examined by a vet also.

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    Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


    Blood drops can come from anywhere which is probably why you were told two different scenarios of where this could be coming from. The important thing is to get a good physical examination of your cat to better pinpoint where the most likely source of the blood could be: mouth, genital, or rectal. If you cannot locate the source via an exam yourself then it is best to have kitty seen so that vet can do a proper look and find out the most likely source so that the appropriate treatment is selected for your pets' care.

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