Need to separate bonded pair of male cats. I am trying to keep them together but may not have choice. Will they adjust? One is going to multicat home

Updated On July 7th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | Maine Coon | 5 years and 3 months old

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


They will likely adjust, however they will need a lot of TLC and it will take time. They will be very sad and will miss their companion. I think, however, that time will heal and they might do ok. The cat which is not going into a multicat household will have more serious problems as she will be very lonely. He will need very much attention and love and likely will search for the missing kitty. Try not to separate them if you can somehow manage. or find a new home that will take both of them.

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    Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


    I'm sorry you may have to separate the cats! It will be hard for them to be separated, but like bonded pairs who lose another to death, they will adjust. It will take time and patience, and you may need veterinary help to achieve it. While it is best they stay together, sometimes that just isn't possible. I would speak to your vet before doing it to see if they have any tips on helping them adjust to life without each other.

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