Updated On May 12th, 2015
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Answered By Debi Matlack 50
Veterinary Technician
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From the Revolution website: "For the prevention of heartworm disease, Revolution must be administered on a monthly basis. Revolution may be administered year-round or at least within one month after the animal’s first exposure to mosquitoes and monthly thereafter until the end of the mosquito season. If a dose is missed and a monthly interval between dosing is exceeded then immediate administration of Revolution and resumption of monthly dosing will minimize the opportunity for the development of adult heartworms.
For the prevention and control of flea infestations, Revolution should be administered at monthly intervals throughout the flea season, starting one month before fleas become active. "
Now, other heartworm preventatives, I've been told, have a bit of a grace period, about a week of wiggle room between doses. I haven't been told that specifically about Revolution. If your vet will sell you a single dose, that would tide you over until your order comes.
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