Molly's foal died this morning idk what might of happened to him when I went out to the feild I found him lying there he was normal and happy yesterday playing leaping kicking would a male horse kill a foal? I put anchor in the same paddock as Molly last night because he was scaring Lucy my Shetland pony idk if tiddler was sick but he did seem healthy yesterday if anchor did kill tiddler why would he do it tiddler wasn't his foal could that be the reason? Or was tiddler just sick
Updated On April 11th, 2017
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | unspayed | 6 years and 8 months old
Answered By Karly Macon, DVM, MS, CVA Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist 124
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The foal may have had failure of passive transfer, which is when the foal doesn't get enough colostrum from the mare's milk right away, and therefore doesn't have enough antibodies to ward off infections. If the foal doesn't nurse within the first 2-4 hours of life, it will not do well without getting intravenous replacement plasma and other supportive care.
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