Updated On April 14th, 2017
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 24 days old | 1lb
Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM 64
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3 weeks is very young. Under normal circumstances a kitten should be with its mommy until it is 10 to 12 weeks old. Your kitten will still need to be fed with kitten milk (bottle feeding). You can get a bottle and Kitten milk at a large supermarket or your vet;s office. At three weeks, the mother still licks and stimulates the kittens genitals and anus to entice it to urinate and defecate. She then removes the urine and feces. You will need to do this with a soft tissue moistened with warm water every time you feed her. At 3 weeks of age she should be fed every 4 hours. Once she is around 4 to 5 weeks old you can offer her canned kitten food in addition to the milk. Here is extensive information on raising a kitten: http://animalalliancenyc.org/feralcats/tnr-colony-care-resources/managing-kittens/raising-orphaned-kittens/
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Other Answers
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS
Chloe should be pooping every day, usually a couple of times a day. Three weeks old is way too young to be separated from her mother, as kittens aren't fully weaned until they are at least six to eight weeks of age. You need to return Chloe to her mother until she is older.
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