Hello thanks for helping me. I have a aquarium in my house. Said aquarium has 2 glofish danios, 2 glofish tetras, 1 molly, and 2 ghost catfish. One of my ghost catfish has a bent spine. He is now in a isolated tank. I really want him to live, what can I do? He is constantly wiggling around and can't swim well. He has been this way for only a day. Please help me save him. Thanks
Updated On April 30th, 2017
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 15 days old | 0.2 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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A bent spine can be the result of poor nutrition, congenital defects, parasites, trauma or serious illness such as fish tuberculosis (TB). It is good that you isolated him. If the cause is either trauma or congenital, you might want to consider humanely euthanizing him. Before that though, you can try a broad spectrum anti parasite medication. You can purchase one at most pet stores in the Aquarium section. Check for adequate water quality and feed a species appropriate diet. If he doesn't improve or worsens, relieving his suffering may be the humane option.
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