I purchased a 50 mg suspension pyrantel pamoate to deworm my cats. I was wondering what the proper dosage is for the following cats: Male/9 months old/ 12 lbs Male/ 9 month old 10 lbs Male/ 8 weeks old/ 2 lbs Thank you!

Updated On May 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 1 month and 29 days old | 11 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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What an adorable kitten!! Each ml of the drug contains 50mg of the pyrantel base, and the dose for pyrantel pamoate is 5mg/kg. Here is how to figure it out: Body weight in pounds divided by 2.2 gives you the body weight in kg. For example, a 12 pound cat is 5.45 kg. Then, take the kg weight and multiply it by 5 -- in the example above, the 12 pound (5.45 kg) cat would get 27.27 mg of the pyrantel. Since each ml contains 50 mg, take 27.27 and divide by 50......27.27/50 = 0.54 ml. 12 pound cat = 0.54ml 10 pound cat = 0.45ml 2 pound cat = 0.09ml Be sure to dose them again in two weeks to make sure all the worms are killed. I hope this helps!

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