Hi. My budgie has an overgrown beak and dark, purple-ish lines in the middle of it. I have tried to trim it, but it simply keeps growing. I just put some antibiotic on it to see what happens,but still, I am concerned. What is the cause of this, and what can/should I do?

Updated On June 1st, 2017

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male | unneutered | 0.07 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Beak overgrowth can be caused by a number of things, and if the beak is continuing to have issues or strange coloration with it, it would be best to have it checked out by an avian vet in your area. Giving your bird access to cuttlebone or other items to wear down the beak with can also help prevent overgrowth, but ruling out any health problems first is best.

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