I won my little turtle off a carnival game. She's still about the size of a thumb. The guys running the game gave her to us and a bag of food (ReptoMin) and said to feed her half a pellet in the morning and half a pellet at night. They didn't seem to be the most reliable people, they weren't even sure what kind of turtle she was. I wanted to know if this is right or not. How much and how often to eat a baby red eared slider turtle?
Updated On June 2nd, 2017
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Answered By Rebecca, DVM 139
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Hi. I'm glad you checked. Red rated sliders can be fun pets but they also require specialized environment and care. She should eat some live feeder fish, some plant matter and only about 25% of her diet should be commercial pellets. Be sure she has an area to get out of the water in her tank, she needs a basking light for warmth and full spectrum UV lighting. Housing is the number one reason that sliders get sick or die in captivity so please take the time to get her set up correctly. Here is a great beginner article for RES care. http://www.anapsid.org/reslider.html
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