Are these just hairballs my cat is daily throwing up, or is he ingesting something like yarn? He's bad to chew and swallow strange stuff, but we can't find what the source of these might be. You can see that his stomach contents have to come up when these gobs are in there, so he's not getting enough nutrition. One of the pellets shown is pretty solid, and the other is squishy. What to do?

Updated On April 23rd, 2024

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | neutered | 7 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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It is ot possible to identify the source from the photo but your vet may be able to examine to confirm if it is indeed cat hair or synthetic yarn. I would recommend feeding a diet formulated for hair ball reduction for 3-4weeks. A full health check and abdominal xrays would be recommended to rule out any partial obstruction or sooner if there is any weight loss

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