I thought I had 2 male parakeets- after 4 years I put a "coconut hut" in the cage and one of the birds laid 5 eggs. 3 have hatched and the parents are caring for them, however the coconut hut is quickly becoming too small. Can I move the babies into a larger nest box - will the parents still care for them? If so, how and when should I move them?

Updated On July 3rd, 2017

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Yes, you may move them without consequence. Gently scoop them up with a bit of nesting material and place them in the larger nest box. Your hen may complain, but she will settle down once she is back with her chicks.

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