Hi, my horse is suffering from what looks to be some sort of hives. They have increasingly grew in number and size. The first picture was taken last night while the second was taken moments ago. They could possibly be bee stings. I would like to know your diagnosis and treatments, thanks.

Updated On August 3rd, 2017

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | 8 years and 7 months old

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Answered By Mirissa Duncil, DVM


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Hi and thanks for using PetCoach!

It does look a lot like hives in your horse here. Most presentations like this are allergic in origin-finding out what the reaction to is the key to prevention. Has your mate been given any drugs like banamine or antibiotics that she is not accustomed to recently? Have you changed feed or flysprays? Certain types of fly bites can cause break outs like this as well.

By the time my patients are bad enough for hives I'll generally recommend an intravenous dosage of a steroid to counter the inflammation-this should be administered by your veterinarian-who can do a physical exam while they are there to make sure the heart and lungs also sounds ok.

I hope this helps!

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