My dog a Shih Tzu cross, she is 12 years old. She is getting treatment for a suspected prolapsed disc. She was given half (4.5kg) doze of Metacam, 0.5 ml of Neurontin, 0.28 ml of Tramal. She is panting very heavily and finding it difficult to sleep. Her blood tests were clear. Is the heavy panting a cause for concern, I already took her to the vet this morning, I wanted to know whether she needs to go to emergency vet? The vet this morning said it would take 7 days of meds before another visit.
Updated On December 11th, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Female | spayed | 12 years and 9 months old | 16 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Heavy panting can be a sign of distress or pain. If Pixel was just at the vet this morning, it is possible she is still stressed out from the visit and travel, and may need an hour or two to help settle back down at home and let the pain medications begin working. I would monitor her for a bit to see if she settles in. If the heavy panting continues or worsens, she seems in severe pain, has blue or pale gums, or won't settle/seems very uncomfortable after a few hours, calling your vet to let them know what is going on, or seeking care from an urgent care vet may be best.
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