My dog is eating Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Ultamino Dry Dog Food but she is tried of it, she will not eat till the end of the day and I know she hates it because she ate my friend's dog's food without hesitation. She has skin allergy and we did a test on food allergy. She's allergy to fish mix, grain, egg and milk. What other food can i give her? I want her to eat, I'm tired of her going to the bowl and smells and walks away while looking at me like "this again". Please Help!

Updated On August 3rd, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Maltese | Female | spayed | 5 years and 8 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Jenny, DVM


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Royal canin makes other hypoallergenic diets such as rabbit and potato or Iams makes kangaroo and Oats. Purina and science diet have their share are hypoallergenic diets also it might be worth trying one of these and possibly rotating some so she does not get bored. Food allergy testing through blood is it very accurate, typically trial and error with food is more reliable

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