Can I use little honey to make my budgie's food more visible to him? To make it look like a treat but it'll be a stick of his gourmet food held together by honey.

Updated On August 6th, 2017

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male

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Answered By Rebeccah Wood

Licensed Veterinary Technician, Registered Laboratory Animal Technologist

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Hello there! A little bit of honey isn't harmful for budgies, however I don't recommend using it as an everyday trick for getting him to eat his regular food. Honey is high in sugars (fructose and glucose), which is not good for birds in large amounts. If your budgie isn't interested in his regular food, there are many different brands that make all sorts of shapes, colors, and flavors to entice Zachary to eat (I recommend higher-quality brands like Zupreem, Harrison's, and Lafeber's). I would, of course, involved an avian vet if he doesn't seem hungry at all, as this could indicate an underlying medical issue. Making sure Zachary has access to fresh fruits and veggies is also a good idea. Good luck, and I hope that Zachary decides that pellets are yummy!

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