Wondering if I should worry about the lump on my dog's side. The raised part is kind of big but the stuff inside is the size of a quarter, .25 cent piece. Its very squishy and kind of warm

Updated On August 8th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 4 years and 6 months old | 55 lbs

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Answered By Lauren M. Jones, VMD


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The soft, squishy and warm lump that you've noticed on Bruce's side could be due to an abscessed wound, cyst, or a benign or malignant mass. Bruce should take a trip to his vet, particularly if this lump has grown or changed rapidly. The vet will be able to use a needle to draw out some cells to examine them microscopically, if needed. From there, he may need a course of antibiotics or surgical removal of this lesion. If he is licking at this lesion, put an e-collar ( http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=20390 ) on him to prevent further skin irritation. I hope that all goes well!

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