Hi, My cat is not well,he is having loose stoles and the area is swollen.Vet advice me to feed him liquid medicine before food and after food but the problem is my cat is very aggressive ,he gets scared and annoyed.He runs away whenever we take the bottle out. So can I feed him his syrup with his ID can food? Before food syrup-Sucrader suspension. After food syrup-Metronidazole benzoate oral suspension IP. Please help me.

Updated On August 14th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Longhair | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Karly Macon, DVM, MS, CVA Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist


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Yes, you can mix the metronidazole with the canned food. If he doesn't let you syringe the medication into him orally, then mixing it into the food is the only way you'll be able to medicate him. Do the best you can to get at least the metronidazole into him, as this is most likely to stop the diarrhea. Good luck!

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