Hi, my red foot tortoise has been very lethargic lately and his eyes have been staying closed. The only time he opens them is when I pick him up and that's only occasionally they will open or when I soak him in water and the usually does the trick. I've also noticed his shell is considerably soft, I dont know if thats because he is a hatchling though. Also I've noticed he looks to be bloating. Please help.
Updated On August 15th, 2017
Pet's info:
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Make sure he is not chilled. Low temps can affect activity in reptiles. A Vitamin A deficiency may be responsible for the eye issues. Feed a good quality commercial diet and supplement with dark, leafy greens and fresh vegetables. Dust food with a calcium and multivitamin supplement several times weekly as well. Provide an adequate UVA/UVB light source that runs the length of the tank. Position it no more than 14 inches away from him. Do not place glass or plexiglass between him and the UVB source. Juveniles normally have a soft shell until about 6-8 months of age when it begins to harden.
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