I noticed that my dog has a few raised bumps on the fur on her back. I don't see any fleas, and there aren't any bumps under the skin. I also don't feel anything unusual when I pet her. Is this cause for concern? She takes Zyrtec daily, but has no other health issues.

Updated On August 15th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | American Foxhound | Female | spayed | 1 year and 5 months old | 81 lbs

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Answered By David Darvishian


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Hi and thanks for using PetCoach! Sorry to hear about Zora having this problem. These bumps resemble something called folliculitis which is a bacterial infection of the skin but the infection has spread down into the hair follicles. This may resolve without any treatment but if the conditions worsens or spreads, you should take Zora to your veterinarian. The causes of this are many including unknown or idiopathic causes, allergies, external parasites, etc. Your vet can evaluate Zora if it spreads or worsens. They will likely advise some oral antibiotics, possibly something more than Zyrtec for itching, medicated shampoo to flush the hair follicles, etc. Good luck with Zora and just keep a close eye on these areas.

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