Like the German shepherd do lunge..... Anf lunging on people while on walk similarly do other guard breed like doberman and rottweiler or great dane do they also lunge on people while on walk ? Because my dlg dont lunge on everyone he lunge or some certain people like someone come running out of the house when he was passing or he lunge to those who stop walking or slow down while looking at him on passing
Updated On August 31st, 2017
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Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM 130
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Some dogs may lunge out of fear, some out of aggression, and some from excitement. Without being with your dog it is hard for us to say which he is experiencing. I would recommend finding a dog trainer in your area (I would recommend asking your vet for recommendations) to do some obedience training with him and they may be able to identify why he is lunging and how to fix the issue. If he is actually trying to bite people then he should see a veterinary behaviorist.
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