Hello, I have 2 goldfish who recently had a pleco added to their tank. A week after one of the goldfish had red spots all over. Being concerned we removed the pleco but the goldfish is still showing symptoms. I did a complete water change adding antibotics. The goldfish is staying at the bottom of the tank and seems very lethargic. What should we do

Updated On September 3rd, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Check the water chemistry. Two goldfish can quickly overwhelm a tank with their large bio load. Aim for 0.25 ppm (parts per million) or less ammonia, 0 ppm nitrites and 40 ppm or less nitrates with a temp between 65 and 72F. If water chemistry is good, it is possible the red marks are from the pleco. They are notorious for sucking the slime coat off goldfish leaving red marks and wounds. Partial water changes, 30-50%, using aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched are safer and less stressful than complete changes. Give the antibiotics time to work. You can add in plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt) to aid healing. Dissolve one teaspoon per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it in the tank. Perform partial water changes after 10-14 days to reduce salt content.

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