Stellet has fleas. The hair is failed in one particular area and that area become red. In ears and legs. Some days back I gave him dry fish which shocked in salt. Is that because of fleas. (He only has 1 or 2 fleas) Is that because of over salt. If not why it cased? Will it cure as days pass Can you tell home reminds for it. Photos are attached.
Updated On September 12th, 2017
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 11 days old
Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS 86
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It's probably because of the fleas. here is the list of the best flea products on the market. Spot ons: Revoulution Advantage Advantage Multi Frontline (ticks as well) Bravecto spot on (ticks as well) - for cats Tablets: comfortis Collar: Seresto ( (ticks as well) House spary: Indoorex
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