Could lack of weight gain in a very thin 18-mo-old S/F German Shepherd Dog indicate parasites, pancreatitis, or ... ? I've fostered her since rescue intake (3 mos). Stool soft but not watery. She's bright, active, responsive, playful w/other dogs. I feed her Orijen Lg Breed puppy, 4 C/day (eats it all). She came from a shelter (was picked up as a stray) and altho she was vaxed at shelter; was prob already infected w/bordatella, b/c she came down w/KC a few days later, cured w/tx.
Updated On September 17th, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | spayed | 50 lbs
Answered By Dr. Davis 176
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Yes I would have Rhonda's stool checked for parasites and any other abnormalities. I also recommend a blood panel to check for chronic pancreatitis, anemia, and kidney and liver function. You should increase the feeding amount at each feeding so she's not very hungry at each meal and just finishes it. You may also go to three feedings a day to make sure she's getting enough calories. Very active dogs can eat two to three times the amount of food you would expect. As she gets enough food she will start to leave some at each feeding. Thanks for using PetCoach to help you care for Rhonda.
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