I believe my dog has an insect bite on her paw. Is there some way I can treat this?

Updated On September 28th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 45 lbs

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Answered By David Darvishian


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Hi and thanks for using PetCoach! Sorry to see that Savie is having a problem. This looks like a pustule or pus filled pimple. It could also be a cyst or other swelling. This could certainly be from an insect sting, spider bite, puncture wound, skin infection, etc. I would advise warm compressing the area 2-3 times daily with a warm cloth to see if you can get the area to come to a head and drain. You could also try placing some warm water and Epsom Salts in a basin and make her stand in the water for 5-10 minutes a few times daily. You may need to get her an E collar to prevent her from licking it and prevent the healing. If this lesion gets worse, spreads, or other signs develop, please have your vet take a look at her. They can get a detailed history and perform a physical exam. Diagnostics probably won't be needed unless the situation changes. Your vet can advise you on a sound treatment approach if needed. Good luck with Savie and I hope this resolves without complication

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    Answered By Kevin Sanada, DVM


    An insect bite is possible, but it appears like this area is infected. This type of wound often happens when the dog gets a thorn or grass-awn stuck under the skin. These can cause a great deal of swelling and damage to the surrounding tissue if the object is not removed. It's best to take her to the vet in the next day or two to get this examined and explored for a foreign body (i.e. thorn). The vet will be able to clean inside the wound and prescribe the necessary medication to get this healed. For now, you can apply a cloth soaked in warm water for 15 minutes twice a day. This may help the wound to drain. Gently clean the area at-least once a day with soap. You can also make a salt water solution and let the foot soak for 15 minutes twice a day. I hope that helps and Savie gets better soon.

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