Updated On September 30th, 2017
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 11 years and 5 months old | 7 lbs
Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH 182
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Hi and thank you for your post on PetCoach this afternoon! Tylan powder can be used in cats with IBD, but is not a long term solution for this problem. Tylosin can come in tablet, liquid suspension, or capsule form. IBD symptoms will reappear after stopping the Tylan administration. Prednisolone can help symptoms as well as another antibiotic called Metronidazole, but again, these drugs are not for long term usage. Changing the diet to a novel protein source that is highly digestible can really help IBD patients. Sometimes there is a concurrent food allergy causing the symptoms so it is worth exploring with your veterinarian if a food trial or food allergy screening test is worth doing. High fiber diets can also help as well. Most diets that can help with IBD are prescription diets that are available through your veterinarian. I hope this helps and thanks again for using PetCoach!
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