Do I need to add fish oil or probiotics to Acana foods? i noticed they already include this in their food in balanced amounts. The omega 3:6 ratio is 1:2.5 in the Acana foods, is this ok or is fish oil good to add?

Updated On November 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | Female | spayed | 5 years and 4 months old | 17 lbs

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Answered By Amber W

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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If Chloe is not experiencing any health issues like skin problems, heart issues, or kidney disease then it would be unnecessary to add in additional fish oil. Too much fish oil could result in diarrhea so I wouldn't suggest adding it if there aren't any health issues. Thanks for using PetCoach!?

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