I’ve noticed a red rash on my dog. It’s on and off. I started giving her fish oil it’s been almost two weeks and one of the rashes went away. Not sure if the rashes are hot spots or something more. The rashes have been in her armpit area and elbow. Most recently on her chest but that one went away. I’ve shown the vet and she didn’t seem too concern on my last visit two months ago. Should I take my dog back To the vet for further testing ?
Updated On December 4th, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Female | spayed
Answered By Mariya Gugel, DVM 205
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Thank you for using PetCoach! I can see that the areas are losing hair and have a moderate amount of redness. It is unusual for dogs to have hot spots on their elbows, but this may be a local skin infection caused by a bacteria or fungus. It may also be a sign of food allergies, flea allergies, or allergies to something in the environment. There are also several hormonal and nutritional imbalances that can cause these symptoms. I recommend having Nala seen by a vet, you may want to bring her to a different vet this time for a second opinion. The vet can take some small samples from the skin, or biopsies, to determine what is going on and start her on the appropriate treatment. I hope this helps!
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