13yo indoor male cat with hx of seasonal allergies, vet says not treatable. He has been scratching just in front of his ears off and on for years, but tonight I noticed that he has significant scratches/scabs (not oozing) on R side. We have 3 indoor cats that play, sleep, groom each other. No other cat has any issue- all have clean ears, no mites. All eat Grain free Wellness or Merrick, chicken only (22yo often steals food from others and can't tolerate fish or beef- lots of vomiting). Thoughts?

Updated On December 9th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 13 years and 7 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Jenny, DVM


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With itching in the face I would be worried about parasites or a food allergy. You can try changing to different formula if fiodbthat contains a different protein source or a hypoallergenic diet. There a promising allergy medicine called Apoquel that can be helpful in cats now. You can apply cortisone cream to the red area until you can talk to your vet about the new options

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