My daughter is getting a crested gecko, but she can't sleep without a dim nightlight on. Is it OK to have a dim nightlight on with a crested gecko in the same room? Also, is it OK to defuse lemon, orange, and oils like that, in the same room as a crested gecko? (The defuser does make the room have a quite strong smell of the oils I put in the defuser.)

Updated On December 16th, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Dayna, DVM, CVA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Hi there. I have a created gecko in my sons room. We love him! I would encourage you to get a red night lamp for his cage. It helps keep the cage warm, adds some light to the room, but is a spectrum that does not interfere with his circadian rhythm. As far as the oils go, there is a lot we don’t know about exotic animals. I would not be too concerned, but I would recommend watching closely for any signs of respiratory symptoms such as breathing hard, not eating etc. Best of luck and have fun with your gecko! They are a great little pet! Thank you for using Pet Coach.

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