My dad pan fried fish in oul last night, 10 hours later gave my dog the pan to lick out after he cleaned out some of the oil. What will happen to my dog?

Updated On December 17th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 40 lbs

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Answered By Elva Ma DVM


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Hello, and thank you for your question. Ingesting a small amount of oil and fish from a pan should not cause any serious problems. At most I would expect to see a bit of diarrhea or softer stools for about 24 hours afterwards. You can try offering a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice during this time, to help minimize any stomach upset caused from eating the rich foods. If Daisy starts vomiting or has diarrhea that worsens over 24 hours, I would suggest taking her to a vet, as occasionally eating very rich foods can cause pancreatitis which is more serious and requires additional medications and care. I hope this helps, and that Daisy continues to do well!

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