I am about to get a crested gecko and have done lots of research, but am nervous I'll kill my crestie. You see, lots of people have different opinions about additional lighting. 1 breeder said a heat lamp killed many of his crested geckos, while another breeder said it killed her geckos when they DIDNT have a heat lamp. Should I get a heat lamp? (My tank is a 12 by 12 by 18, of that helps at all) Also, should that size tank be good for 1 crested gecko for his entire life?

Updated On December 19th, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Dayna, DVM, CVA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Hi there! We have a Crested Gecko and have so much fun with him! Don’t worry, they are a great starter reptile and are pretty easy to keep. In the winter we use a red light to keep the tank warmer, but not a specific heat lamp. This keeps the tank warm enough without getting too hot. Also very important is the humidity of the tank. Keeping it spritzed several times a day is necessary. We started with a tank your size and it probably would have been just fine long term, but we ended up purchasing a larger tank because we wanted a different look. Best of luck and have fun with your crestie! Thank you for using Pet Coach.

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