Updated On December 31st, 2017
Pet's info:
Answered By Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM 206
Veterinarian, Board-Certified Zoological Medicine Specialist
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Hello, if this is a single event, I think it would be fine to closely monitor Cleopatra for any additional signs of illness like continued vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, etc. It’s entirely possible she just ate a bit too much or too quickly and then brought up some fluid. However, vomiting can indicate serious illness in bearded dragons, so don’t wait too long to see a veterinarian if it happens again. Sometimes, bearded dragons kept on walnut or sand bedding eat the bedding every time they eat a prey item and can get blockages in the GI tract. Also, tumors of the stomach can happen in bearded dragons, which can cause vomiting, as can general infection or illness.
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