Hi you might notice I just asked you a question but I was wondering if you could help me to be safe how many times must a dog mate and be tied to become pregnant because we want our dog to become pregnant

Updated On January 7th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | 2 years old | 15 lbs

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Answered By Mirissa Duncil, DVM


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Hi there. Much as in any species reproduction, successful mating only requires one time to lead to the production of healthy offspring. I will, however, usually encourage my breeder clients to allow the pair to breed at least 2-3 times for maximal probability. There is never a 100% guarantee that any pair will mate successfully to produce offspring, as many factors (female egg count, hormone levels, male sperm count and viability, etc) also come into play here. I hope this helps!

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