What does an empty crop of baby cockatiel look and feel like? My 4 week cockatiel'crop seems not to be able to empty fast enough. In the morning, before breakfast, her crop feels like a small soft ball, about one fourth of the fully expanded size. Looked from the front, the crop ball looks quite obvious. Though looked from the side, her crop area is rather flat. And she is often hungry and begging for food before her crop completely flatten, like in the attached picture.

Updated On January 18th, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | 24 days old

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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A full crop will feel like a giant, fat balloon just under the chin/neck, and in birds that don't have their feathers in yet may be visible. An empty crop will just be a flat, normal looking neck. Keeping a full crop in a baby bird is best as it means they always have something for nutrients and to keep them full and happy. If they constantly have empty crops they need to have their feeding throughout the day increased to keep them full. Following the guidelines on your baby bird formula can help you make sure you're feeding enough and often enough.

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